Tell me I’m not the only one who has totally burnt the crap out of my fingers with a glue gun. Right? It hurts. A lot. I have two settings on my glue gun – hot and melted magma. For some stupid reason I always put it on the hottest setting to quickly warm up thinking I’ll remember to drop the temp down. Nope. Never do. Going forward I’m going to save myself the pain and leave it on the lower setting and let it warm up no matter how long it takes!
Anyway, I was working on my most favorite project in the world thus far (which I cannot wait to share with you!) and accidentally dripped said melted magma glue on my fingers two minutes into my project. =( HUGE sad face. I quickly jumped on my trusted adviser. Nope, not Google, not this time…this time it was none other than Pinterest and searched “burn relief”. I found pins that said regular old mustard would take the sting away almost immediately so I tried it.
Yep. That worked. It was a little messy so I found another pin that said pickles would help.
That worked too! But how was I supposed to get back to my project with mustard and pickles on my hand…and not crave a hamburger? I thought perhaps the common denominator in the mustard and pickles is the vinegar so I had my own bright idea. I put a few drops of vinegar on the bandage pads and wrapped up my fingers. Guess what – it worked great and I could get back to my project!
The first thing I did was lower the heat setting on my glue gun, of course.
You are a genius.
Ha! If I was a genius I wouldn’t continue to burn my fingers!
Amy Capps
You are so funny!!! I find myself laughing even though I am in pain as I have just burned myself between my fingers with my glue gun, (a big glop fell between them). So I thought I would look to see if there was a remedy here. I will say the first thing I did was run to my deck where I have some aloe vera and tried that. It was ok but I am still stinging and very uncomfortable, so I will try your vinegar idea sans the pickles and mustard… Thanks again for the laugh and maybe the remedy!