Most people sublimate my felt blanks to make personalized air fresheners. However, I’ve had several people ask if you can dye polyester felt blanks. So, I figured it was time to do some experimenting!
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The one and only time I’ve attempted to dye fabric was when I dyed my crinoline pink for our wedding. In other words, it’s been awhile. But I remember it being fairly easy so I decided to give it a shot!
Time to play!
First I grabbed some soft/flexible & thick/stiff felt scraps for my experiment and a bottle of Rit DyeMore Liquid Dye.
Then I consulted the Rit website for instructions on how to dye polyester felt blanks.
Since this was just an experiment I used the instructions as more of a guideline. Meaning, I didn’t weigh and measure as directed. Nor did I layout towels. Or wear gloves. 😬 (Luckily it wasn’t THAT messy!)
I mixed two squirts of Dawn Powerwash (my favorite!) to my boiling water then added a very small amount of the liquid dye.
Next I carefully added the polyester felt blanks, all of which had been pre-soaked with regular water per the instructions.
I turned the heat down and stirred them every so often making sure to separate the pieces so they would get adequate coverage.
After 30 minutes I drained the pot and removed the felt pieces. You’re supposed to rinse and then wash the fabric, but I squeezed and pressed out as much water as I could after draining and set them on a towel to dry.
YES! You can definitely dye polyester felt air fresheners.
This opens up a lot of opportunity for some fun projects. Not everyone has or wants sublimation equipment. I’ve posted about how to use ink jet transfers and fabric paints to decorate felt air fresheners. Now we know you can also dye polyester felt blanks! (Get your fun shapes cut from 100% polyester felt at Candyland Studio.)
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